Sunday, March 05, 2006

early peace

early morning breakfast with rebecca.
she became my subject
for day5.
i like getting up early
on sunny winter days
to breakfast with a close girlfriend...
it's nice to be out
when most people
are still in bed
and you can have
your plantains and eggs in peace.

here's an alternative
photoshop manipulated
photo for day 5.

enjoy the beautiful day.
tomorrow a sneak peek
at my weekend craft prizes
for some special someones.


f. pea said...

i feel like i've been away for a year and missed a ton of interesting things in the mean time! anyhow it's nice to be back. i'm really enjoying your 30 days pix.

bikeandbeer said...

i can't help but wonder, how early is early??? eggs and plantain? brings back memories of panama..... green plantains flattened and deep fried, then salted. delicious! glad you got your morning peace. i get mine every sunday, and it is priceless!